Harvesting Goldenrod

Ten years or so ago we decided to let the back acre of our property naturalize. We wanted it to be a haven for birds, bees, butterflies and all sorts of wildlife. We mow a few paths through it so we can enjoy it, too. I love to meander those paths in all seasons because […]

Upper Valley Fiber Fest

We headed out to the Upper Valley Fiber Fest in Troy, Ohio, this morning. The weather was a bit rainy and cool, but this festival is held indoors at the fairgrounds.  It’s not a big affair, but there is plenty of fiber and crafty fun. These two Icelandic Sheep met us at the entrance. There […]

Spring’s Return

There’s a cloud shadow across the field. Makes it look like the ground’s just been plowed, but it’s only March– too soon, too wet, too cold to farm, just yet. Winter is holding out, Spring is still at bay. The grass is damp and matted down with the weight of Winter’s snows and freezing rains. […]